Thought i would share a few little projects i have been working on for the baby's room. i found this idea to decorate clipboards and hang them on the wall from flickr. Rachel from the blog "i've got bling on my sewing machine" showed off her work space here...and i fell in love with this idea. She used her clipboards to hang her favourite magazine clippings and ideas...but i wanted to decorate the baby's room with 8 clipboards hanging in 2 rows. So off to Office Max i went on a shopping day and bought 8 clipboards. (and i also visited a few scrapbook stores for a few things!! because the adorable baby paper that i ordered hadn't arrived yet...and i was anxious to get started!!) The large space left on the top of each of the clipboards are for photographs. i have plans of hanging up photos of little Oliver once he his here! i will be more apt to change out those photos than the ones i put in frames!!

i have a few more to share...but those photos are on the home computer and i'm at work more to come!!
Your clipboards have turned beautifully! I found some geometric blankets in our baby's room colors this week and I'm scheming for a way to get them hung up on the walls. I've got 4 of them. Any ideas?
oh...sounds fun! i think we are coming out this weekend...and then we can see what we can come up with!!
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