Tuesday, January 8, 2008

kid's classes for january

Kids Classes

every 3rd Thursday of the month


every last Monday of the month

January Classes:

** Thursday the 17th 4-5:30p

**Monday the 28th 4-5:30p

Cost is: $10.00 per child

We are going to create (4) 6x6 scrapbook pages...

*bring in 4-6 photos (wallet or 3x5 sizes would be best!)

*the kids will be able to pick out matching paper for their photos

*we'll have a basket of embellishments for them to dig through and choose from

*learn the best ways to matte photos, use their own handwriting, journal, and most of all "have fun"!!

**Focusing on how to put together a page that best displays the photos and still have a "cute" flair!

**Being able to use embellishments that compliment the page and photos without having "too-much" on the page

**a Great way to start a scrapbook of their own!!

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